The largest land-dwelling turtels
When entering Safrica, you’ll immediately notice the giant African spurred tortoises. These gigantic animals move about peacefully among the busily burrowing meerkats. Take a seat on the little walls or benches and enjoy the interaction between meerkats and the African spurred tortoises.
Did you know…
That African spurred tortoises do not need to hibernate? These gigantic animals originate from the African desert where temperatures are high enough to remain awake throughout the year.
Old lucky charms
Do you know that these large bulldozers can weigh up to one hundred kilogrammes and can become one hundred years old. The fact that they can become that old allegedly signifies that they bring good luck. The tortoises are certainly not slow, even though they can become one hundred years old. They frequently move at a brisk pace to a nice sunny spot in their habitat.