Thousands of fish
While walking through the tropical world of the Pantropica, you will spot thousands of fish swimming in one of the many brooks and ponds. The murmuring waters predominantly house koi and crucian carp. Koi, often called koi carp in the vernacular, is known for its expensive skin. Koi can be sold for thousands of euros if their beautiful colour schemes meet the prevailing colour requirements.
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Due to a mistake made by nature, koi are nowadays kept in the most exquisite ponds and they lead a life in the lap of luxury, because of their vivid and exceptional colours. It used to be very different. As black fishes, they primarily served as a source of food. Mutations, somewhat like mistakes made by nature, gave koi vivid colours. Consequently, they are now being bred with the most unusual colour patterns.

MUST-do: feed koi
You can admire and even feed these aquatic marvels on the various continents of Pantropica. Koi are very tame and love to eat delicious feed pellets out of your hand.