Barely one metre high, but unbelievable charmers; the miniature donkeys Finley and Denver love attention. While these two friends might not be very big, their love, affection, and intelligence more than compensate for that. Together with the alpacas, they can spend their entire days romping about, being petted, and enjoying the most delicious meals consisting of hay, roots, and grass.
Did you know…
That donkeys have a bad reputation? Think about the belief that donkeys are stupid, for instance. Why? No idea. Donkeys have a bad reputation as being stupid. In reality, they are smart animals with a mind of their own. This behaviour is in fact useful in their natural setting.
Are donkeys stubborn animals?
Donkeys are often called stubborn, but they are in fact very intelligent animals. When a donkey is startled, it will never run away blindly. That would be way too dangerous in their natural setting: the Italian islands. These donkeys can move about easily in the mountainous regions of Italy. The miniature donkeys’ small hooves are perfectly suited for walking on narrow mountain ledges.